Lead us from darkness to light
From ignorance to wisdom
From death to immortality!

The workshops and retreats are excellent opportunities to improve your practice, deep your knowledge, to feel the effects of yoga and meditation and to learn more about different topics.

Be happy! Patricia helps and trains the people in any part of the world to use the power of breath to relax, cure and energize their body. Through old tantric you will learn to focus and expand your mind, calm and balance your emotions, and grow spiritually.

Skype with Padma and feel joy in your daily life
Book your skype session with Padma
Value: 99 euros

segunda-feira, 11 de julho de 2016

Our nutrition: very delicious and healthy! Fresh vegetables, organic food made with lot of love:-)

Alkalin Water and Bio food!
Frech fruits in the moring!
 Greek Salad
 Cereals, sunflower, chia, linseeds, sesam seeds!
Sauteed Vegetables.
Carrots and Sellerie Sticks      

Mediterran Salad with parmesan, humus and pinions!

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